Bugs: Mode of Live
The majority of terrestrial bugs lives on trees, shrubs or in the lower vegetation and on the ground in all terrestrial biotopes. Very rarely bugs live in special habitats as for example in fungi or at the root of plants.
on trees: Acanthosoma
edaphic: Horvathiolus
xylodetriticolous: Aradus

The pond skaters with very large and, on the other hand, very minute forms, live on the water-surface of pools, rivers and even the open sea. Microscopic hair structures at their feet prevent them from sinking and allow a fast locomotion. Numerous bugs have developed an aquatic way of live, keeping their flying ability. Respiration takes place by catching air-bubbles from the water surface (Corixidae, Notonectidae), respiration tubes (Nepidae) or by plastron respiration (Aphelocheiridae), which allows the bugs to stay under water permanently.
pond skater Gerris
bachswimmer Notonecta
water scorpion Nepa
Bugs suck on plants (Tingidae, Miridae, members of numerous other families), seeds (Lygaeidae) or feed on insects (Anthocoridae, Nabidae, Reduviidae). Bed bugs (Cimicidae) feed on the blood of birds and mammals (bats and humans, for example). Many species are strictly bound to a single host plant (Tingidae) or specialised on specific prey.
fruit eating:Carpocoris
the "Vampir" Cimex
Most bugs show little differences between males and females except their genital structures. Mating takes place either abdomen versus abdomen, or the male climbing on the back of the female after having injected the phallus in the vagina. Eggs are laid in clusters, often in symmetrical formation. In the Acanthosomatidae females watch their eggs and often the hatched nymphs, such practice is a form of social behaviour.
a couple of Graphosoma
Elasmostethus egglaying
Elasmucha guarding eggs
Nymph Development
Bugs show an incomplete metamorphosis from nymphal stages to imagines. That means, they don't have pupae like beetles, butterflies, flies and wasps. The nyphal stages (mostly five) are very similar to the adults, only missing complete wings and genital structures. In most cases it is not possible to determine the nymphal stages of bugs. Nymphs inhabit the same biotopes as the adults and feed on the same plants and animal preys.
eggs of Chorosoma
stadium 1 Pentatomidae
stadium 1+2 of Palomena
stadium 3 of Palomena
metamorphosis to imago